Li, Ki-Joune  사진
Li, Ki-Joune
School of Computer Science and Engineering


Database, Gis
 Research Interests

Geographic Information System, Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Databases

Ph.D., INSA de Lyon, France, 1992
 Selected Publications 
  1. Kang, I. S., Kim, T. W., and Li, K. J., "A Spatial Data Mining Method by Delaunay Triangulation," Proceedings of 5th ACM-GIS Conference, ACM-Press, pp. 35-39, 1997.

2. Laurini, R., Li, K. J., Servigne, S., and Kang, M. A., "Modeling an Auditory Urban Database with a Field-Oriented Approach," Journal of Informatica, Vol. 23, pp. 169-185, 1999.

3. Kang, M. A., Li, K. J., Servigne, S., and Laurini, R., "Indexing Field Values in Field Oriented Systems: Interval Quadtree," Proceedings of 8th ACM CIKM, ACM-Press, pp. 335-342, 1999.

4. Li, K. J., Makki, K., Pissinou, N., and Ravada, S., (Ed) "Advances in Geographic Information Systems," ACM-Press, 2000.

5. Kim H. C., and Li, K. J., "Declustering Spatial Objects by Clustering for Parallel Disks," Proceddings of DEXA Conference, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

6. Ki-Joune Li, Hak-Cheol Kim, Mario A. Lopez, Scott T. Leutenegger
“Efficient Declustering of Non-Uniform Multidimensional Data using Shifted Hilbert Curves,” LNCS Vol.2973, pp. 694-707

7. Ki-Joune Li, So-Young Hwang, Dong-Hui Yu
"Embedded System Design for Network Time Synchronization," LNCS Vol.3207, pp.96-106

 Professional Experiences 

Senior Engineer, Logicim Co., France (1990-1991)

Member of National GIS Counselling Committee (1995 - 2001)

ACM GIS Steering Committee(2003.11-Present)

 Professional Societies & Activities 

Member of Editorial Board for Journal of KISS(DB) (1999.1-2000.12)
Director for Open GIS (2000.7-Present)
PC Member for ACM Workshop on GIS 2002, U.S.A.
PC Member for ACM Workshop on GIS 2003, U.S.A.
PC Member for ACM Workshop on GIS 2004, U.S.A.
Editor for KAGIS (2004.3-Present)
 Honors and Awards 

 International Joint Research & Activities